Care for Rare

CARE for RARE (C4R) is a pan-Canadian collaborative team of clinicians, bioinformaticians, scientists, and researchers, focused on improving the care of Rare Disease patients in Canada and around the world.  Led out of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Research Institute in Ottawa, Canada, Care4Rare includes 21 academic sites across the country, and is recognized internationally as a pioneer in the field of genomics and personalized medicine.

Its team uses state of the art genetic technology to identify new rare disease genes for patients. Together, 200 physicians and 100 scientists work to advance rare disease research as part of three Care4Rare programs: C4R – SOLVE, Genomics4RD, and RareConnect.

  • External identifier:
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  • By collaborator
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  • Date of birth of the patient:
  • Clinical diagnosis:
    • Filter records presenting of the selected diagnoses.
  • Final diagnosis:
    • Filter records presenting of the selected diagnoses.
  • Phenotype:
    • Filter records presenting of the selected phenotypes.
    • Filter records that match the selected phenotypes .
  • Gene:
    • Filter records with the selected genes specified as or genes.
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